Scary Smart Banking Phone Hack! LEARN ABOUT IT!

This smart I.T. guy got hacked good. Find out how they ran this banking phone scam so it doesn’t happen to you!

There isn’t a lot to “say” in this post…the story is on an audio blog, and it very scary, and when I listened to it, I realized that the scam would have also worked on me, and probably anyone else they tried it on, so I want to clue people in so they will be aware. NEVER answer any questions if anyone ever calls you…that’s the bottom line. If you talk to your bank, it should be only when you call them. And don’t get audio notifications, only texts, and if you get texts (like you SHOULD) you should, your bank never need to call you to verify a transaction or security action. this will make more sense after you listen to the audio track.  (You have to open/click on the post to view the audio player, sorry)