Prevent Social Engineering in the Workplace!!

Prevent Social Engineering in the Workplace!!

Back on August 15th 2022, UBER was hacked again. It was compromised as a hacker gained access to an inter-departmental chat service called “SLACK” …and used that to spoof an administrative appearing message to gain an employee’s password and used that to access the rest of the network. Here is a link to the Tech Republic Article from the internet:  Uber Social Engineering Leak August 15, 2022
How does this happen? How do you KEEP THIS FROM HAPPENING AT YOUR COMPANY???
Here is a document that can help you do just that. I didn’t write it, I’m just sharing it so that the information can get out there, because obviously it’s not getting out there or these breaches would not continue to occur in late 2022.


Artificial Intelligence is getting scary smart!

Artificial Intelligence is getting scary smart, and Google is the running. (of course) Their AI platform is integrated into playing the Game of “GO” which is the oriental version of chess really…and highly regarded strategic game in many circles. Google’s computerized version of the game, named AlphaGO, took on 5 top players AT ONCE and came out victorious. Even the best chess games, up to now, have been beatable by the champs…but soon, the computers will always win. (which takes the fun out of playing really) …but it does say something for AI. Anyway, you can read the article about the match-up here: Artificial Intelligence is getting scary smart!