It has been a long time gripe that Tech Support has been able to jump on and help anyone, anywhere, …-as long as they were not on an iPhone or iPad. It was a limitation of Apple, not the apps or programs that provide screen-sharing abilities. Apple wasn’t willing to break that security, no matter how secure the app. But I guess Teamviewer, which is fully encrypted, and the only HIPAA compliant app/program, somehow got through to them finally. And Teamviewer notified us that has changed today. Supposedly Teamviewer now fully supports iOS devices. I’m dying to test it out and see if it’s fully functional. So if you have an iOS device and want to do a quick test with me, LET’S DO IT. Give me a call, or just let me know in a post, comment, or whatever floats your boat. 🙂 Here is the link to the new version of the Teamviewer app (or just get it from Apple on your device)
I KNOW who a couple of you are, by the way…not all, but I do know some of you who I haven’t been able to help on your mobile apple devices…hopefully, this is a new era. Yay!
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